D BEST Speech :DD

You deserve this mark.!! Well done.-- Miss Kimberly.

" A very good morning to Miss Kimberly. Today, I would like to present a speech about “My Favourite Activities”.
During my free time, I love joining St. John Ambulance’s activities such as marching, outdoor duties, camping and a wide array of courses. I started participating those activities right after joining my school’s St. John Ambulance society.
Being an active St. John Ambulance member was not easy. It really takes a lot of commitment to join the activities. Commitment not just on my part, but on my dad’s as well. He is required to wake up at 5 a.m. every weekend, when everyone are still lying on their beds, just to ferry me to the St John Ambulance headquarters. Knowing that he is sacrificing his well-deserved sleep without complains, I am very grateful that I have such a supportive dad!
Joining St John Ambulance activities enables me to learn so many things that I would otherwise not know. I learned how to treat all kinds of injuries. I learn even more when I volunteer myself in outdoor public duties. These voluntary duties are normally available every Saturday or Sunday. Much of my personal time is spent on public duties, but I gained a lot from them.
Besides of public duties, I would join St John Ambulance camps during school holidays. Camping exposed me to a totally different perspective in life. During camps, I would be reminded of the luxuries I enjoy at home – soft, comfy beds and entertaining television dramas. I realised the many things I took for granted. That is where I learned to appreciate simple things in life.
Courses. Although St. John Ambulance puts emphasis on providing first aid, but we are given opportunities to expand our knowledge in all kinds of fields and topics. For example, we can learn to paint and even improve our creativity by taking the “Do-It-Yourself” course. Other than that, we have courses on Animal Care, Citizenship and many more. For me, I really love joining all these courses as I learn more than what is taught in schools.

From the bottom of my heart, I really love taking part in all of the St. John Ambulance activities despite it taking up a lot of my personal time. My belief is that instead of wasting time, why not I do something useful by joining extracurricular activities? Well, like how teachers have always taught me to spend my time wisely, I have learned to use my time more profitably in voluntary works and activities through St. John Ambulance.


Yeapppp, my speech. Nonono.. its actually by the fat one. HahahhahahahaHAHHAHAHAHAHAH...Niaaa, joining St John is really fun. I do learn how to manage my time,.. INSTEAD OF WASTING MY TIME IN DRAMAS. Being an organise HUMAN wasn't that easy. Need much COMPLIMENT. hahahahaaaaa.. *Learn alot english grammar and words through this speech..hahaaaa.. 

